Last week, I submitted a letter of resignation to my employer and officially became a stay at home mom! I had hoped that a part-time position would open up for me to fill. But it didn’t, and I feel clearly that I am not meant to be a career woman. So, after putting it off as long as I could, I resigned. It’s just as well, because in the past three months since my daughter was born, my interests have completely changed. For one, our income has nosedived, so I am very interested in ways to save money. Also, with a developing baby in the house, I want to minimize the amount of chemicals she is exposed to. So I find myself doing as much as I can in a “natural” way. Also, I want to serve my family wholesome, nutritious foods so I am changing my cooking habits to improve our diets. Just to ease any concerns you may be feeling…I am not a nut. I have not gone off the deep end. I don’t have time or energy to be all natural or super healthy. I just want to do small things that make a difference for my family.
This blog is dedicated to all things money-saving, natural and nutritious. I will share my experiences – successes and failures – for your inspiration and amusement.
Right off the bat, I want to state that I am not a very creative person. So very few of the ideas I write about will be my original thoughts. Almost always they will be inspired by someone else and I will do my best to acknowledge that person.
Thanks for reading…I am excited to write about the adventures of my humble healthy home!