Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homemade Deodorant

I was reading something the other day that made me say “hmmmmm.” Unfortunately, I don’t remember what it was. But it made me question my deodorant. Apparently deodorants are made with lots of nasty chemicals and metals…who woulda thunk it? This is particularly concerning for breastfeeding mothers whose babies undoubtedly take in some deodorant residue. Also concerning is the fact that antiperspirants may increase the risk of breast cancer. I have a strong family history of breast cancer, so anything that might increase my risk of developing the disease is something I want to avoid.
I did a quick google search on homemade deodorants and got some interesting information. The most exciting-looking recipe I found called for coconut oil though which I didn’t have on hand and I wouldn’t even know where to find (would it be by the coconuts in produce, by the vegetable oil and Pam spray, in the natural foods isle or where?). So I decided to whip up something on my own as an experiment. I didn’t measure how much I was using, but I think I mixed ~1/4 cup baking soda and 1 cup water, then added 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. I put it in a little plastic travel bottle and just shake it, splash it in my hand and rub it under my arms after a shower.
I’ve only been using it for a few days, but so far I am very impressed! I think it actually works better at preventing odor than the store bought deodorant I was using. It isn’t an antiperspirant (which doesn’t seem to be too much of a problem for me) so you might experiment with adding corn starch to the mixture if you are a heavy sweater.  
I am excited about saving money on deodorant (this homemade stuff is way cheaper than store bought) and I think it may be the most extreme step I have taken yet towards being natural. If people start avoiding sitting next to me or I hear whispers of BO, I promise to post an update. J